Chicken Egg Incubation Calculator and Chart

Do you have a hen already laying fertilized eggs and would like to know the hatch date? This chicken egg incubation calculator will help you determine when fertilized chicken eggs will hatch. Just select the date and time the eggs were set and click calculate. You will see the hatch date immediately.

How Long Do Chicken Eggs Take to Hatch?

The incubation period for chicken eggs is 20 – 21 days counting from when the eggs are placed in an incubator. They have an average incubation period of 21 days.

Breeds of Chickens

The incubation calculator above works for the following breeds of chickens.

Ac Ameraucana Ancona
Andalusian Appenzell Bearded Hen Appenzell Pointed Hood Hen
Araucana Aseel Australorp
Baheij Bandara Barnevelders
Brahmas Buckeye Buttercup
Campine Catalana Chantecler
Cochin Cornish Crevecoeur
Cubalaya Delaware Dominiques
Dorking Dutch Bantam Faverolles
Frieslands Frizzle Gimmizah
Golden Montazah Hamburgs Holland
Houdan Java Jersey Giant
Jungle Fowl-Green Jungle Fowl-Gray La Fleche
Lakenvelder Lamona Langshan
Legbar Leghorn Marans
Malay Matrouh Minorca
Modern Game Naked Neck (Turken) Nankin
New Hampshire Red Old English Game Orpington
Plymouth Rock Polish Red Cap
Rhode Island Red Russian Orloff Sebright
Shamo Silkie (Bantam) Silver Montazah
Styrian Sultan Sumatra
Sussex Swiss Hen White-Faced Black Spanish
Welsummer Wyandottes Yokohama

Chicken Egg Incubation Calendar

A chicken egg incubation calendar is a tool to quickly determine when a fertilized chicken egg will hatch when incubated, just like the chicken egg incubation calculator above. The calendar below serves the same purpose as the calculator.

Chicken Egg Incubation Calendar
Chicken Egg Incubation Calendar
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